The children are Brambletye’s chief ambassadors. They are sparky yet well- mannered; they work hard and understand commitment but they know how to play; they are ambitious and strive to succeed but not at the expense of their integrity or others’; they are confident but not arrogant; they love to win but they are not afraid to fail; they are creative, compassionate and caring and they form great friendships created through shared experience… but don’t just take our word for it, hear from our children.
“The school produces lovely, all rounder, grounded children, who are well prepared for the next stage
Brambletye Centenary Film –
The Reverend John Blencowe story
Why is Brambletye Special?
Brambletye Pre-Prep
Introducing The Art Department
The Brambletye Music Department
Meet The Children
House Assault Course
Brambletye Centenary Pitch Opening 2018
2016 House Shout Winners