Choose your level
It’s going to take all of us.
As the first step you can make a pledge.
We have created a pledge calculator so you can check out the effects of tax relief (applies to higher rate UK tax payers). And you can work out an amount and timings that suit you.
Cornerstone Donor
Reaching our target is going to require some really major donations: lead gifts to inspire everyone.
We have set out the proposition in a special document. Please have a look.
Cornerstones start at £50K.
Pioneer Donor
From £20,000. As with Cornerstone donations, this level of giving will be absolutely critical to success. ‘Pioneers’ have already led the way with superb generosity. We need more.
Centenary Donor
£10,000: £100 for every year of the school’s history. If you pay UK higher rate tax, the net cost to you is £7,500 or £1,875 a year.
If 80 people give at this level we can raise £1M towards the target – over half of the remaining shortfall.
Brambletye Benefactor
£5,000. If you spread this over 4 years, this comes to £83 per month. The total net cost to you would be £3,750.
Foundation Donor
1919: our founding year. You could give £1,919 as a lump sum or spread it over time, e.g. £39.98 per month for four years. If you pay UK High Rate tax the annual net cost to you would be £360.
Brambletye Giver
You can give a single gift or regular amount at any level. Regular gifts will be an important component of success. For instance, just over 200 individuals giving £19.19 per month for four years comes to £250,000 (with Gift Aid).